Judith DeLozier and Ugesh Rattay
Judith Delozier has been an NLP developer and trainer in the field of Neurolinguistic programming since 1975. One of the original group of Grinder and Bandler, she has made significant contributions to the various fields of NLP. Judith has a Master’s degree in Religious studies and Anthropological studies from UCSC Santa Cruz. She has taught NLP around the world including ASIA , Europe ,Ukraine, Indonesia ,Australia , Mexico , Central America , USA and Canada .
Ugesh Rattay has been an Neurolinguistic programming developer and Master trainer (NLPU) since 2010. Ugesh has a Master’s degree in (Neurolinguistic programming and Executive Coaching from Kingston University UK Ugesh specialises in using NLP in the business development and executive coaching including in the USA, South America , Brazil, Europe , Romania , South Africa ,Botswana and Namibia as well as the Philippine’s .
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Practical Skills for Resilience in Uncertain Times