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Topic Index

This page lists every topic presented since 2021, in alphabetical order.

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Creation Cycle

Richard Bolstad

Experience and use an integrated body-mind model of personality differences; Learn 3 ancient Chinese meditations utilizing multiple core NLP skills at once; Use researched techniques to alter your brain state and create abundant energy; Tap into the natural cycles of change in your body-mind; Integrate what NLP calls “core states” to deepen their experience beyond expectations.

2025 Masterclass

Crisis and the Wheel of Change

Richard Bolstad

In the past almost all models of change have been developed as if one coaching or consulting style fits all clients. In this workshop you�ll learn how to quickly assess where your client is up to in the �wheel of change� and identify what practical interventions would help move them to the next stage. You�ll learn how to use this model helping people recover from major social trauma such as war, tsunami and pandemic. You�ll also understand how to use the model to support positive social change, harnessing NLP to help create a better world.

2022 Conference

Deep Learning

Joe Cheal

Let's start with you - because you know what it's like to attend training courses and presentations. As a member of the audience, consider for a moment the difference between those that really engaged you and those that really didn't. This could be the difference between 'deep learning' and 'flat learning' (one-way and/or screen led). Deep learning means starting with the audience's experience and working out from there to new information. Use the group mind to open neural pathways and create a platform... and then build from there. Deep learning starts with the learner. The deep learning approach uses the collective intelligence in the room, not just a single source. As the presenter/trainer, you continue to learn from others, both in their real-world examples and in their approaches to handling situations. In this session, you and Joe will explore different approaches to audience engagement and develop even more learning strategies!

2022 Conference

Designing Actions to Achieve Great Results

Aliyah Mohyeddin

This session is geared towards developing clarity on vision towards a desired goal and the action plan needed. What you will get from this session, is to be able to hone into what is important to you and why. Visulaizing the successful achievement of your goal and then what resources you need to achieve your goal and what actions will get you most efficiently to achieving your goal. Most people get stuck in the 'how'. This session will help you remove the noise and develop clarity on the how. Clear steps and internal and external resources and how to get them. While using it for yourself, the technique is also excellent for use with your clients

2022 Conference

Designing the Perfect Day for Health and Success

Magdalena Bak-Maier

Tired? Overwhelmed? Or needing to make things happen? Discover how to make a great day any time you want to feel good and achieve results with the Grid Method.

2023 Conference

Developing a Leadership Mindset for Greater Resilience

Robert Dilts & Mickey Feher

Leadership is about ensuring that you and those with whom you interact are able to be resourceful, meet challenges, overcome obstacles and reach critical goals. This is a capability that we all need to develop to some degree. In this program you will get the opportunity to develop and strengthen key leadership qualities relevant to your context. These qualities will help you to develop yourself and others, attain better performance, live more congruently with your values and deal more effectively with change and uncertainty.

2022 Conference

Difficult Conversations NLP Has Tools and Skills to Offer

Judith Lowe

How In everyday life and on global social media, there are vast chasms of understanding about critical life-changing issues. Can we build connections and enriched overlaps of understanding about what is happening for solutions we need?

2024 Conference

Dreams to Reality in motion

Thabiso Mailula

In this session you will discover a tool that can help clients know exactly what they want to achieve and how to achieve it. You will hear how this tool has benefited Thabiso in his NLP career journey and get an opportunity to experience how this tool integrates the communication model, presuppositions, the five principles to success and the use of sub-modalities.

2021 Conference

Elephants in the classroom

Olive Hickmott

You will get a much-needed new perspective on the explosion of learning difficulties in our classrooms, and how to empower students, their parents, teachers and specialist support with simple skills, to make many aspects of learning easier. Join this session to learn how to better understand and enable neurodivergent thinkers and learners: for example, those with dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, ADHD, Asperger's and autism to excel.

2021 Conference

Emotional Identity Technique

Nikki Emerton

A unique combination of three modalities that you can use as a complete process or individually to suit your client’s needs, the Emotional Identity Technique is a process that Nikki Emerton created after recognising a need to have a concise way of updating a person's unconscious perspective of how they view themselves. There are four primary identities, being 'I' 'Me' 'Self' 'You'. This process is designed to allow your client to understand the relationship they have with their emotional body, identities, themselves and others and how this affects their behaviours. This process explores identities, understanding how identities are represented emotionally and somatically and giving the 'gift that is needed' allowing a sense of deeper understanding, awakening and a stronger inner sense of self.

2025 Masterclass

Empower Your Life with HypnoKinesthetics

Patricia Eslava Vessey

These techniques are based on cellular memory theory, which states that everything we�ve experienced has been memorialized, downloaded, and stored in the cellular tissues in our bodies. Combining NLP, coaching, hypnosis, and movement, these techniques generate change, healing, and solutions to multiple life challenges. Join me and learn new ways to empower yourself and your clients/patients to transform the cellular memories stored within your powerful mind-body relationship and improve your life. Participants will learn � Background � Basic NLP patterns used � Elements and benefits � Experience the technique � When, where to use this approach

2022 Conference

Empower Yourself with Your Creative Mind

Julian Russell

Creative Mind is the latest evolution of Milton Erickson's work, designed for coaches, therapists and for your own personal resourcing practices. Developed by Steve Gilligan Ph.D., it consists of state-of-the art developments from NLP and Erickson's work. Steve was at the beginning of NLP and shared a house with Judith Delozier, Leslie Cameron and Frank Pucelik, before specialising in Milton Erickson and becoming a premier teacher of Ericksonian Psychotherapy. His work has gone through various evolutions, and he recently founded the Generative Change movement and International Association for Generative Change with Robert Dilts.

2022 Conference

Energetic NLP Free Yourself From Spiritual Cages Now

Art Giser

You live your life in a series of spiritual cages that limit you from reaching your full potential. These spiritual cages are created by karma, what are called �spiritual contracts�, and ancestral and energetic programming. In this fun, easy, and life-changing session, you will use Energetic NLP to release yourself from spiritual cages so that you can realise more of your full potential for happiness, success, and to live a more miraculous life.

2021 Conference

Energetic NLP for Highly Sensitive People and Neurodiversity

Olive Hickmott & Sian Goodspeed

15-20% of the population are known to be highly sensitive. How would you know whether you are? There is a huge overlap with Neurodiversity, a field Olive Hickmott, creator of Empowering Learning, has been working in for 22 years. EnergeticNLP has proved invaluable for thousands of adults, especially those who know they are sensitive and find themselves in caring professions or healers. The research on highly sensitive people is extensive for both adults and children. We, along with parents, have always known that many neurodivergent students are highly sensitive. Using EnergeticNLP won't reduce their sensitivities, which are their strengths and part of who they are but enable them to be the best sensitive people they can, fully enjoying their exceptional strengths.

2022 Conference

Environmental Psychology 101

Lizzi Larbalestier

We all know nature impacts our mind, mood and behavior - but how exactly? What is going on within and between us when we spend time in nature? In this session together we will explore environmental psychology 101 and the synergies with NLP, diving into the psychological, social, physical and even spiritual impact and influences of nature-time, with emphasis upon time in blue space, water centric locations. Importantly as ANLP's special envoy this session will also touch on the nature value equation - how an eco-centric approach to time in nature shifts perspective from exploitative of nature to synergistic with nature. Asking not only what can nature do for you - but also what can you do for nature.

2022 Conference

Exceptional Integrated Coaching with Psychoactivity

Wendy Sullivan & Paul Field

At a fundamental level, different clients respond to different approaches. Psychoactivity is a key to transformation. In this interactive session, you'll integrate metaphor, space, parts, and embodiment. Use this to respond flexibly to differing client situations, awakening psychoactivity: a vivid, engagingly real inner world of change.

2024 Conference

Finding meaning and purpose in the wake of loss

Laura Toop

This session will provide you with tools that will be there when you need them most. Our cultures do little to prepare us for life�s greatest challenge � how to understand and be present with the process of healing from loss. Silence simply reinforces the shame, the guilt and the regret; it�s time to change that model.

2021 Conference

Freedom from Anxiety using Wingrave Coaching

Caroline Rushforth

Learn about the impact of unprocessed emotion in both the physical and mental body. Understand how spikes of arousal in the brain cause long term mental health challenges (anxiety, panic attacks, depression, phobias, the function of neurons and neural pathways and how they create subconscious healing when used in wingwave coaching. Understand more about the healthy function of the vagus nerve and the impact on well being. Discover some tools and techniques to use with Stress and Anxiety, combining NLP with Wingwave.

2022 Conference

From Reactivity to Creativity

Joseph O'Connor

Human beings create. We can't help it. This session will explore the creative process. You want to change the world? Change how you look at it. It's easier... and cheaper.

2023 Conference

Generative Coaching

Judith Lowe

This practical, interactive session is a brief introduction to the exciting field of Generative Change developed in creative collaboration by Robert Dilts and Stephen Gilligan. The Generative Change approach weaves together, complements, integrates and transcends the absolute best of their outstanding research and teaching over forty years in Systemic NLP and in Self-Relations respectively, and has its foundations in their shared beginnings as students at UCSC of Bandler, Grinder, Erickson and Bateson. More than ever we want to work in ways that support us to be creative and develop new types of solutions to our problems, in a world of constant change and uncertainty. We need workable and practical tools to bring out the creative potential in ourselves and others, and to successfully go forward into the future. Generative change means creating something beyond what has ever existed, whether in personal or professional life.

2022 Conference

Generative NLP and Somatic Movement

Nathalie Lebas

In this highly cognitive and constantly changing world, everyone may feel the need to get back to basics, to take the time to come back to themselves. This somatic practice (body movements) allows you to connect to all parts of your body, to your emotions, to bring awareness to everything you feel, to calm the nervous system and to move forward in a more confident way towards your authentic being.

2022 Conference

Going to the Edge

Sue Knight

Last year I was invited to run one of my programmes in Italy. Despite having a packed calendar I said Yes...and decided to cycle to the venue…from my home in France! I learned so much along the way. What you will get from this session with me is how to:- • recognise your own patterns when what you are doing is down to you alone • handle any limiting beliefs that might pop up • take yourself to the 'edge' and learn • use elements of NLP in supporting yourself to go 'beyond' • challenge any stereotypes about what is and what is not possible • be aware of your metamessage the metamessage that you want to communicate and for what purpose

2026 Conference

Grow Your Heart Centred Business

Janey Lee Grace

In this session, you will get an insight into how PR works and how to own your �USP� or as I call it Your YOUnique brilliance while remaining authentic and true to your values.

2024 Conference

Guerrilla Marketing for Coaches and Trainers

Andrea Frausin

ou worked so hard to learn NLP, practice NLP, develop the core skills of NLP, you are able to facilitate important changes in people and... you are still not happy about your business, the numbers and the quality of your clients. If this is your situation, if you want more from your NLP practice from a business perspective this presentation is for you. NLP Master Trainer Andrea Frausin will share what he learned directly from the father of modern marketing, Jay Conrad Levinson, and applied into his NLP business since 2010. Jay Levinson, created Guerrilla Marketing, the marketing designed for people and businesses with big dreams and small budgets, giving the possibility to small business to win the battle in the market and raise the profits.

2022 Conference

Havening Techniques

Tony Burgess & Julie French

Havening Techniques were developed by Drs Ron and Steven Ruden. Tony Burgess and Julie French are two of just a handful of experienced trainers in these methods globally. As standalone techniques steeped in research into neuroscience, the Havening methods are powerful and effective in removing trauma, removing stress and building resilience. When Havening is combined with NLP, there emerges an incredibly flexible blend that can super-charge your work with clients.

2022 Conference

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