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Topic Index

This page lists every topic presented since 2021, in alphabetical order.

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Performance Profiling An Invaluable Coaching Tool

Jeremy Lazarus

Many coaches and NLP Professionals have clients who want to improve their performance. Learn what Performance Profiling is, how to use it conversationally to help your clients improve results, see a demonstration, and do an exercise followed by a Q&A

2024 Conference

Philosophy and NLP

Kevin Downsworth

Bertrand Russell once remarked that 'the point of Philosophy is to start with something so simple as not to seem worth stating and to end with something so paradoxical that no one will believe it". In this session you will discover how many of the thought provoking and paradox shifting ideas from Philosophy have influenced the 'NLP Mindset'. We will utilise the key human characteristics of wonder, curiosity, exploration & discovery and consider the question 'How do we come to know what we know?' You may recognise by the end of the session that you don't in fact know anything, an awareness that helped Socrates pride himself on being the wisest of men.

2022 Conference

Power of NLP for Building Emotional Intelligence

Fiona Campbell

Use your NLP skills for enhancing the development of higher emotional intelligence for yourself, your business and coaching clients. Learn to manage your emotional responses and communicate even more effectively.

2024 Conference

Practical Skills for Resilience in Uncertain Times

Judith DeLozier & Ugesh Rattay

This presentation is focused on bringing mind and heart to supporting resilience during times of crisis, transition and transformation. These journeys share many of the same skills.

2023 Conference

Proactivity Pathways Break Procrastination Patterns

Bharti Naik

This session focuses on being proactive by unleashing our ingrained procrastination patterns and breaking them using metaprograms.

2023 Conference

Productivity Great Meanings into High Performances

David Murphy

In this session you will discover one of the most powerful and clear models to understand how to become more successful in your business, job and daily relationships. You will see how your meanings lead the way in your performances and in your general behaviour. High-quality meanings, plus high performances, equals high productivity.

2021 Conference

Raising Consciousness Around Wise Decision Making

Suzanne Henwood & Sarah Carruthers

In this workshop we share some of the research behind how people make decisions and show you how our collaborative team have challenged some existing models, offering a new WISE Decision Making model.

2024 Conference

Re-Organising your Internal Food Cupboard

Melody Cheal

In this session you will learn a new pattern for working with people around food issues and explore your own personal Internal Food Storage System. You will learn the full pattern and practise the application. At the end of this session you will be able to take this pattern back to your own practice.

2021 Conference

Re-Sourcing Language

Joe Cheal

In this session you will be exploring the etymology, the derivations and origins of language in order to better understand the potential impact of words. By discovering some of the long-buried sources of language, might we also unearth some valuable resources? Come along and deepen your experience of the language that surrounds you.

2021 Conference

Recipe for a miracle

Kris Hallbom

Are you or someone you know, dealing with a serious life or health challenge that seems completely overwhelming and out of control? If so, then you won't want to miss this information packed program, where you'll learn 25 different things you can do to quickly turn around or improve almost any life challenging situation... In June of 2011, Kris Hallbom received some devastating news from her doctor about her health and a condition that could be life threatening. Kris and her husband, Tim worked for 16 days straight using a variety of NLP techniques, hypnosis and other processes - with the ongoing goal of reversing her scary diagnosis. Today, Kris is the healthiest she has been in over 20 years. Join Kris as she shares her amazing health journey and learn what she did to turn her absolutely worst-case scenario into their best-case scenario. During this fast paced session, you will also learn how to build your own "emergency response" template for effectively dealing with any serious health or life challenge in yourself, your loved ones and your clients.

2021 Conference

Recycle Your Day NLP Problem-solving Skills

Sharon Glasswell

This must-attend presentation will teach you, using a very simple children's story, how to solve any problem in four easy 'recycling' steps.

2023 Conference

Reframing Performance Conversations

Joe Cheal

One of the most challenging conversations any leader can have is to give a person feedback when things are �not good�. This interactive session will explore the preparation and structure for such a conversation.

2024 Conference

Relationship Coaching

Aliyah Mohyeddin

This session is for coaches who are interested in niching into relationship coaching or are already relationship coaches and want to enhance their skills and capabilities.

2023 Conference

Resilience Being the Phoenix

Michael Hall

Resilience: Being the Phoenix focuses on the structure of resilience as a subjective experience and the critical ingredients for building up a robust resilience. L. Michael Hall spent three years modeling resilience (1991-1994) developing the model and in the process discovering Meta-States. Because set-backs and knock-downs occur in everyone�s life, the only real security is having an inside-out resilience which enables you to bounce back and recover your standing as quickly as possible and enable you to become un-stop-able.

2022 Conference

Resonance in Coaching Danger or Opportunity

Colette Normandeau

Our authenticity, integrity and genuine personal transformation are keys to awaken and enrich our excellence as coaches. Join me to discover the gifts of resonance and powerful processes that have transformed so many client situations.

2024 Conference

Retaining the Strengths of Visual-Spatial-Learners

Olive Hickmott

We need to change the emphasis in school onto the strengths of visual-spatial-leaners and away from the challenges they experience with the current curriculum. It is time to address the questions of how we are educating them.

2024 Conference

Rise from the Ashes

Ronia Fraser

Narcissistic Abuse is one of the most common and least acknowledged forms of abuse, which without a fail has a detrimental and life-altering impact on the (mental) health and quality of life. It doesn't discriminate against gender, race or age and can occur in any form of relationship be it romantic, friendship, work or family. Whether you'd like to be able to help your clients better, you simply have a professional curiosity about complex trauma or have been affected personally, this presentation is for you.

2022 Conference

Seeing the person not the condition

Jo Creed & Annette Bradley

In this highly interactive session, we will look at the key problems with the traditional way of consulting within healthcare and the need to take a person-centred and holistic approach to treatment, particularly for people with long-term conditions. You will have the opportunity to explore how the person beneath the condition is often hidden from view and how to empower yourself, and others that are important to you, to ensure you optimise the level of care you receive. You will also gain an understanding of how utilising NLP within established health care models and consultation frameworks can make a major difference to the patient�s health outcomes as well as the health professional�s motivation.

2022 Conference

Selling NLP Training to Organisations

Andy Coley

This session will help you to illuminate strategies for promoting NLP's transformative power within corporate environments. Receive essential insights for any NLP Practitioner through to Trainer seeking to broaden their influence in the corporate world.

2024 Conference

Simple and Effective Model For Working with Parts

Tania A Prince

Working with parts can be a highly effective way to create profound change. In this session, you will be shown a new model for working with parts using MBIR�. MBIR� is a crossover technique that blends NLP concepts with mindfulness and energy psychology (tapping therapy). The approach is straightforward. You will be shown how to switch the mind/ body into the natural repair and regeneration state. In this state, you can more effectively communicate with the unconscious mind. It is also an enhanced learning state. You will be shown how to communicate with the part linked to the "problem state". You will then be shown how to work with the part using an approach that bypasses conscious resistance.

2022 Conference

Sleeping with NLP

Emma McNally

Sleep is so important in terms of our mental and physical well-being. Unfortunately, for many reasons, a large proportion of the population isn’t getting the recommended hours of sleep. By the end of the session, you will know the full model for improving your night’s sleep and have tools to use with clients.

2026 Conference

So you'd like to become drama free

Marian Way

Unnecessary drama affects all of us individually, in families, at work and right across our communities. Unpack your own dramas and recognise what role(s) you tend to take when you're in drama. Come along and learn to practise these skills on live issues and get a real sense of how to take these tools into your home or workplace and dramatically change the conversations that happen around you.

2021 Conference

Somatic Intelligence

Judith Lowe

There's wisdom in the body and knowledge in the muscle. In this session you'll be exploring some new somatic approaches to enriching your coaching and NLP skills, including practical and fun ideas from New Code NLP, Somatic Syntax, Generative Coaching, Expert Modelling, Mindfulness of Movement, and some input from my own regular somatic practice in the Alexander Technique.

2021 Conference

Spark your NLP Business Success

Colette Normandeau

This dynamic presentation is an exciting opportunity to discover the applications of Success Factor Modeling� to create your best life and bring your NLP business to the level of thriving success. SFM� is an effective model to awaken the NLP leader within you, help you be more aligned and balanced (soul and ego) and become more confident, innovative, proactive and generative.

2021 Conference

Speed Reading Shortcuts

Jan Cisek & Susan Norman

Not enough time to get through all the NLP books? Speed Reading Shortcuts gives you techniques and strategies to read much faster and, more importantly, process loads more relevant information.

2023 Conference

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